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On the eve of the Iranian presidential elections in June 2013, everything points to a spectacular turnaround in relations between Iran and the United States. A turnaround prepared for a long time, it is true, by Barack Obama, the American president who was able to reestablish a direct dialogue with the Persian state after years of banishment practiced by his predecessor, George W. Bush. That the majority of Iranians aspire to secularize their political regime is not enough to explain the diplomatic renewal that is looming. The time seems to have come, in fact, to put an end to the Western prejudices which weigh on the very essence of iranity since the advent of the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Starting with the gross error of assimilating the deadline from next June to a new "Arab Spring". In this way, we will fully appreciate the gulf that separates this highly cultural and modern society from the states which surround it. The enlightened Shiism of the Persians, with a strictly spiritual vocation, is radically opposed to the Sunnism of the neighboring petromonarchies which advocate and export Jihad. Hence the eminent role that Iran is called upon to play, more than ever, in this region of the world ... In this captivating below the maps, Ardavan Amir - Aslani, geopolitical expert and specialist on Iran, discusses all crucial outstanding issues (nuclear issue, Iran-Israel relations, Chinese aims, etc.) and reveals the historical source of a deep misunderstanding.

Authors biography

Renowned lawyer of international law, consulted at the state level, Ardavan Amir - Aslani has notably published La Guerre des dieux (Nouveau Monde éditions, 2011, since published in the United States).

Iran - United States: Friends of tomorrow or after Ahmadinejad

SKU:  9782363710697
  • Ardavan Amir-Aslani 

  • Paperback:  118 pages

    Editor  :  Pierre-Guillaume de Roux Editions (May 23, 2013)

    Collection  :  PGDR EDITIONS

    Tongue  :  French

    ISBN-10:  236371069X

    ISBN-13:  978-2363710697

    Product Dimensions:  20 x 1.1 x 12.7 cm

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