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On the slopes of Mount Aragats, on the borders of the Caucasus, the medieval fortress of Amberd is the scene of a macabre news item. Police investigation and spy story, Les Galaxies Markarian is first and foremost an adventure story that starts in Armenia and continues in the Middle East and as far as India, in a complex fabric of ethnic groups, minorities and especially of religions. Among these, a primitive monotheism whose followers, reduced to a tiny minority, hold the power necessary to change the course of history. This geopolitical novel with a fiery pace puts the reader under tension and captivates him by reviving a spirituality from the depths of the ages to explode hot topics of topicality on the ground of the Great Game of yesterday, and especially of today. 'hui.

Markarian galaxies

SKU:  978-2866458812
  • Brooch:  375 pages

    Editor  :  Editions du Félin (September 6, 2018)

    Collection  :  Fiction Feline

    Tongue  :  French

    ISBN-10:  2866458818

    ISBN-13:  978-2866458812

    Product Dimensions:  20.1 x 2.6 x 14 cm

  • Taline Ter Minassian

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