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The tyrannical governor of a distant land wakes up in a foul mood. Obviously, he didn't get enough sleep. Worse yet, he has insomnia. His servant and executioner is summoned to give him an explanation. Responding to a tyrant is always a delicate matter. Better to find the cure than the cause. The executioner suggests to him to relieve himself to tear out an eye. It doesn't matter which one. As long as justice is done. But it's not that easy to find a good reason to tear out an eye, and someone has to pay. Who ?

An eye for an eye

SKU:  9782211072502
7,50 €Price
  •  Gholâmhossein Saedi

  • Publisher:  The Leisure School (April 16, 2004)

    Tongue :  French

    Paperback:  62 pages

    ISBN-10:  221107250X

    ISBN-13:  978-2211072502

    Reading age:  9 - 11 years

    Item Weight:  18.1 g

    Dimensions:  12.5 x 0.6 x 18.9 cm

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