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"May I be victorious against the Quiet Serpent, the three-headed who has three mouths and six evil eyes, I who have a thousand means of purification ..."

How did Zarathustra speak? Here is the restored Word of this character, named Zoroaster in the Greek transcription, who created more than eight centuries before Jesus Christ the cult of Ahoura Mazdâ, the ruler of the world.
The Avesta is the set of sacred texts of the Mazdean religion and forms the sacred book of the Zoroastrians, written in a language that is several millennia old. This new translation of the Avestic liturgies is a cultural event in the French language: more than a century after the reference translations, and on the strength of the latest scientific discoveries, a philologist restores the short hymns of the Avesta in their depth and their singular poetry.

Biography of  the author

Eric Pirart, doctor in oriental history and philology, is recognized as a specialist in Veda and Avesta.  Jean Kellens, preface, professor at the Collège de France holder of the Chair of Indo-Iranian languages and religions, is one of the world's greatest specialists in ancient Persian.


SKU: 9782315001323
  •  Collective

  • Paperback:  256 pages

    Editor  :  MAX MILO (November 18, 2010)

    Collection  :  THE UNKNOWN

    Tongue  :  French

    ISBN-10:  2315001323

    ISBN-13:  978-2315001323

    Product Dimensions:  24 x 2.5 x 16 cm

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